• Question: You have a Master degree in Clinical Psychology - what does being a Clinical Psychologist involve?

    Asked by anon-179124 to Maria on 18 Jun 2018.
    • Photo: Maria Montefinese

      Maria Montefinese answered on 18 Jun 2018:

      Hi Guam! 🙂 To be honest I’m not the right person to answer to this question. Because although I studied Clinical Psychology, I never worked in this field because later I discovered that I was more motivated to work on the biology of brain and in healthy people. However, for what I understood from my studies, a clinical psychologist should help to solve people’s mental disorders. I don’t know if the regulations are the same in UK as in Italy, but in Italy for example, as a clinical psychologist you can only diagnose a mental disorder but you can’t help to solve the problem, because in theory, only psychoterapist has the knowledge to do it.
      All the best,
