• Question: Why did you choose to study Cognitive Neuroscience?

    Asked by anon-179124 to Maria, John, Amy on 15 Jun 2018.
    • Photo: Amy Pearson

      Amy Pearson answered on 15 Jun 2018:

      I read a book when I was in college called ‘Phantoms in the Brain’ by Dr V.S. Ramachandran. It discussed loads of brain injuries/disorders and the strange things that they lead to. There was a story in it about a lady who had Capgras Delusion, which made her think that her family were imposters and her real family had been replaced. It talked about the link between the mind and the brain, and really inspired me to learn as much about them as I could.

    • Photo: Maria Montefinese

      Maria Montefinese answered on 19 Jun 2018:

      Hi Guam! 🙂 I decided to study Cognitive Neuroscience because when I was study clinical psychology I chose to follow a course on patients with several kinds of dementia. It was the first time that I realized how the biological mechanisms of the brain can affect people’s cognitive processes, but also their social life, such as, the communication with other people, their emotions, and so forth.
      All the best,
