• Question: What do you want to do once you've finished you Phd?

    Asked by anon-179095 to Stephen, Claire on 14 Jun 2018.
    • Photo: Stephen Baillargeon

      Stephen Baillargeon answered on 14 Jun 2018:

      I’d like to teach psychology at a college. I’d also like to continue my YouTube channel and publish a book about my research, and how to reduce biases without developing depression. If I teach at a college, I would continue doing research until I can publish a second book, which would be about where moral values come from.

    • Photo: Claire Melia

      Claire Melia answered on 14 Jun 2018:

      Honestly, i’m not 100% sure so i’m hoping to keep my options open. I would be really interested to work as a lecturer as I really enjoy teaching students and having some really good engagement with them and their projects. I would also be really keen to continue working in reseacrh though. Ideally in the private and charity sector. So working with alcohol charities such as Alcohol Concern, Drink Aware, or even the World Health Organisation!
