• Question: although the death penalty had been abolished in UK, however some other countries such as USA are still having it. what is your opinion in this penalty?

    Asked by anon-179125 to Maria, John on 18 Jun 2018.
    • Photo: John Atkinson

      John Atkinson answered on 18 Jun 2018:

      I know a lot of people are for the death penalty but I do not agree with it myself mostly because I think it is hypocritical to say “you killed someone, so now we are going to kill you”. Before DNA evidence people were wrongly executed too and I guess this probably still happens now too.
      I apply the same rule to working with offenders and with children too. Although we have to contain and inprison some people, generally punishment doesn’t work in changing behaviour, it is much better to reinforce positive behaviour. This rule applies to most things in life I find.

    • Photo: Maria Montefinese

      Maria Montefinese answered on 18 Jun 2018:

      Hi Jamie! 🙂 Thank you for this intriguing question! I don’t think that the death penalty could be a solution to the criminality. I don’t think we have the rights to decide if someone can live or die because also if we have proofs about the guilty of someone, we are people and we can make mistakes in judgedgments. So, we can’t be sure at 100% that people can be guilty in all the cases. Rather, I think that showing to these people that there is another way to live is the best way.
      All the best,
